How Does the Pneuma DAO Operate?

How does the Pneuma DAO Operate?

At its highest level, the Pneuma Enterprise is designed around the sustainment of a community, with shared norms, values, customs and identity. The Enterprise architecture provides order and access to general products and processes (Ordo Ab Chao), reducing cognitive friction and allowing DAO participants to focus on addressing high-value priorities in their projects. The design of the Enterprise infrastructure can be thought of as map that provides information about routes, routes and traffic. By providing such best-practices and providing well-defined systems, DAO participants can operate from a solid foundation, and focus their resources on higher level thoughts and executing new ideas.

The Pneuma enterprise is a nested system of systems provides scalability, resiliency, and provides effects to DAO participants that free them from many of the issues that kill new initiatives in the crib.

The images below break down the Pneuma Enterprise.

Federated Integration Concept

Federated Integration Concept (FIC). The FIC is designed to minimize/remove the most common roadblocks for DAO Participants. This can be thought of as analogous to a community of excellence. For example, if you wanted to do a software startup that developed a new microchip, you would want to be in a community that had the systems and culture in place to support. Locating in Silicon Valley with a seasoned team would be less risky than locating in outer Mongolia. Then Pneuma Enterprise addresses these capability and capacity gaps and takes this principle a step further by also effectively addressing those essential program and administrative support tasks that often suffocate a new initiative in the crib.

The five most common roadblocks for DAO Participants are:

  • Lack of access to capital/Insufficient Funding (68%)
  • Not Knowing the first step (49%)
  • Lack of confidence (21%)
  • Lack of time or access to other critical resources (21%)
  • The prospect of failure (20%)

The Pneuma Ecosystem addresses lack of time/lack of critical resources and the prospect of failure in two ways:

  • Providing mentoring and ‘ready to execute’ products that reduce the cost/time/risk of learning how-to navigate a new initiative, and,
  • An informal community that encourages a collaborative climate.

About the Pneuma Enterprise – Toplevel. The Toplevel of the Pneuma Enterprise provides strategic oversight of the organization. It is focused on strategy, unity of effort and keeping the wolves at bay from our DAO participants. The Toplevel consists of one Joint Staff (JS) to provide an integrated model and geographically semi-autonomous staffs (GEOCOM) that address regional requirements and issues.

Toplevel Organizational Layout
The Enterprise and Regional Level Organization Support Structure

The Enterprise and Regional Level Organization Support Structure (Staff). The Staff at each level (Joint Staff, GEOCOM and lower) is designed to provide effective, well-defined support for developing, refining and executing the DAO. By providing a standardized model, Staff DAO Participants (or DAO Participants between initiatives/project/programs) can provide the best level of support, based on individual experience, skills and career paths.

Enterprise and Regional Functional Organization Support Structure (SPO)

The Enterprise and Regional Level Functional Organization Support Structure (SPO). The SPO at each level (Joint Staff, GEOCOM and lower) is designed to provide effective, well-defined support for the programmatic and mechanics of developing, refining and executing DAO programs and projects. The SPO, in contrast to the Staff supports DAO participants with the execution, integration and lifecycle management of programs/projects and initiatives.

The Pneuma Ecosystem of branches and areas of focus

The Pneuma Ecosystem of branches and areas of focus is a taxonomy of skillsets and areas of focus for the Staff and SPO.