Why I do What I do

Finding beauty in the dissonance.

Hi, I’m Darrin!

I am a (soon to be retired) Army Reserve Colonel with a passion for leadership and innovation, now channeling my energy into founding an advanced technology company. My journey has been a blend of discipline and creativity, influenced by a bohemian spirit and Midwest sensibility. With a deep-rooted love for advanced computer science and all things technology, I aim to pioneer solutions that make a meaningful impact. Family is my cornerstone, providing the strength and inspiration to pursue my dreams. Outside of technology, I find solace in woodworking, where the meticulous craft mirrors my approach to problem-solving. I believe in the power of people, striving to bring out the best in everyone I encounter. My military background has instilled in me a sense of duty and resilience, while my diverse interests have cultivated a holistic perspective on life. This synthesis of experiences drives my vision for a company that not only excels in technological innovation but also fosters a culture of growth, creativity, and compassion. I am committed to creating an environment where advanced technology and human potential converge, leading to breakthroughs that benefit both our community and the world at large.

I believe that each of us has a unique story to live, a unique voice in that choir called humanity. As I transition from my 40 year career, I seek to create tangible connections, solutions that provide optimism and enthusiasm about life to myself and others – embracing technology, community, education and the joy and dignity of work.

Why I do what I do.

Today we find humanity at a crossroads – we are in the final days of systems, policies and values that defined how we live for generations. Sure as Winter follows Fall, our financial, economic and social systems are soon to be plowed under, providing nutrients for a new growth. Some view this as a warning, others view it as a message of hope. These cycles, while not without casualties, are natural and should be embraced – resisting is like swimming against the current.

I see this change as a great opportunity to develop new systems and solutions for organizations, communities, teams, individuals and myself. Within all this chaos, lies opportunity – access to tools, education, collaboration knowledge and the ability to make an outsized impact. Additionally, I find that actually picking up a shovel and working on a problem is more impactful than mental masturbation and creating division on social media.

Value Statement.

Hazed hippy verbiage aside, my core work values are:
•Its about People and Trust. People, team, culture and trust is the core capability in almost any effort. Without the human element, thoughts are ephemeral, words without deeds are toxic and raw materials have little value – Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.
•Deeds, not words. Blending Passionate Execution with learning and experience works.
•Have a Plan. Plan early, plan realistically, be flexible, trust your team, monitor the plan.
•Facts, clear and effective communication. Deal on facts in low trust engagements, deal on potential and take risks in high trust partnerships.
•Financials Daily. Keep good books. Continually conduct rigorous self audits.

I have a natural inclination to envision how innovation can be created and used to increase efficiencies. I generally try to stay in my lane, focusing on domains where I have experience, authority and there is opportunity to make a difference (taking into consideration the customer base, fiscal/cultural climate and other factors). When I consider opportunities, I look at:
•TMTOWTDI (there’s more than one way to do it). Be flexible in planning – listen to the team, listen to the market, read the currents.
•DOTmLPF-P (doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities and policy analysis). Account for the full lifecycle issues and costs when evaluating an opportunity.|
•Evaluate Requirements and customer needs. An opportunity must solve a defined problem. Additionally, the customer/market must be in a state to support (financially, politically, other) new opportunities.
•Can I synthesize across portfolios and teams (the sum is greater than the whole of its parts). A good analytical study often helps you find additional value, stakeholder support and reduces project requirements.
•Early Innovation generally works best outside of a Bureaucracy. Bureaucracies generally act as an immune system – resisting change. Its general best practice to have a project champion that supports external RDT&E until the value and resilience of an initiative can devote significant non RDT&E resources to become integrated within a Bureaucracy. Said another way, don’t get into the ring until you are strong enough to challenge the king.

Darrin Husmann

Innovation Systems