Program and Project Resources

The Pneuma DAO environment consists is based on providing Maps, Models and Structures and a system of systems approach to our neighbors ideas.

Our core approach is to take what works for enterprise systems and successful innovation centers, keep what works, streamline where possible and discard the bureaucracy and friction points.

We provide governance, policy, templates, systems, workflows, institutional knowledge and collaboration to reduce risk, reduce complexity and reduce time to implmentation.

Our top-down, detailed approach is best understood from the the perspectives of the Pneuma DAO and our neighbor.

Pneuma DAO – A federated approach

At first thought, the idea of a federated approach seems to be anathema to how a DAO or DeFi effort should run – bureaucratic issues and parlor games corrode the essence of being in a DAO. We prefer to see the Pneuma DAO federated support model more like an idealized town square – schools and libraries to collect institutional knowledge and harbor deep subject matter experts, shops and guilds to find (or create) what is needed for a project or effort, and, a sense of community with unity of purpose and a vision to make the world a better place.

This model is engineered for scalability and reproducibility of the entities below, based on culture, geographic and/or project objectives.

At the toplevel (JOINT), we operate as a DAO-ized model of federalism (a central governance supporting/supported by regional governance) that provides products to support DAO legislation (make laws), DAO judiciary (enforce laws and resolve disagreements), and DAO executive (control of functional areas and agencies to support the community).

The second level (DIRECTORATES) establishes directorates focused on general areas of support. Currently, these directorates, and their roles, are as follows:

-J1 Manpower and Personnel

-J2 Intelligence and data fusion/reuse

-J3 Operations

-J4 Logistics, including enterprise systems

-J5 Strategy

-J6 Communication systems and DevOps

-J7 Collaboration, Training and new initiatives (ST&I)

-J8 Resourcing & Analysis

-J9 Communication and legislative affairs

-Inspector and Internal affairs

-Legal and compliance

-External public affairs and media

The third level (DIVISION-composed of BRANCHES) is focused on functional areas. These are areas that require specific knowledge, skills and ability to support an effort. Additionally, there is a Program Executive Office (PEO) that integrates the initiatives, ideas and efforts of our neighbors to gain and scale efficiencies.

-FA1 Integration Branch

-FA2 Sustainment Branch

-FA3 Operations & Management Branch

-FA4 Test Branch

-FA5 Modifications Branch

-FA6 Security

-FA7 Compliance

-FA8 Contracts

-FA9 Finance

-FA10 Engineering

-FA11 Production & Modernization

-PEO – Responsible for a portfolio of similar programs/projects, each PEO is responsible for the management, execution and lifecycle management of programs/projects within a portfolio.